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Results Filtered By: Youth Ministry

Bishop’s Visitation & Confirmation

4/27/22 | Youth Ministry

On Sunday, May 8, we will celebrate Confirmation, as well as our Episcopal visitation by The Right Reverend Deon K. Johnson, Bishop of The Diocese of Missouri! This will be a day of joy and celebration as we officially welcome ten of our youth...

Youth Sunday: April 24

4/21/22 | Youth Ministry

Youth Sunday and Senior Recognition Day!  This Sunday, April 24, we both celebrate our youth and put them to work, as they participate in leading worship through reading, ushering, and acolyting at the 10:30 service.  Join in giving...

It’s a New Year for Choristers!

11/11/21 | Youth Ministry

The St. Peter’s Choristers are getting ready for a new year! The St. Peter’s Choristers, a choir for young people affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music, are beginning rehearsals ahead of the Advent season, beginning of the...

2022 Youth Mission Trip

10/12/21 | Youth Ministry

At the Youth Kickoff Fundraiser last month, the 2022 Mission Trip was announced. From June 12th - June 17th, 2022, we will be traveling to LOUISVILLE, KY!  This trip is open to rising 9th graders through graduated seniors. In...

Youth Mission Stay Reflection

6/24/21 | Youth Ministry

Last week, St. Peter's Youth Group participated in a weeklong Mission Stay. Each day consisted of traveling to a different garden in the St. Louis area. The first three days of the week were all gardens associated with Gateway Greening. Gateway...

Youth Service Opportunities

5/25/21 | Youth Ministry

While the Mission Trip wasn't an option this year due to the pandemic, we are excited to offer a service opportunity right here in St. Louis for rising 9th - 12th graders. We will be working with Gateway Greening and Forest Park...