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Results Filtered By: Youth Ministry

Parents and Youth Volunteering Meeting

11/24/22 | Youth Ministry

A meeting for parents and potential youth volunteers will be on Sunday, December 4, from 6:00-7:00 p.m., after the 5:00 p.m. evening service. We will discuss visions for the youth group, upcoming fellowship dates, and a number of volunteer...

Advent Wreath Making

11/17/22 | Youth Ministry

Ready or not, next Sunday, November 27, is the First Sunday of Advent. St. Peter’s is ready to help you prepare for the season! Be sure to come to the Undercroft after the 8:00 or 10:30 worship service that morning to make your very own...

Calling all Confirmands!

8/18/22 | Youth Ministry

St. Peter’s traditionally invites all eighth graders to be confirmed. For those students entering the eighth grade in the fall of 2022, and all older youth who are not yet confirmed, we offer a Confirmation Class. Please talk with your son...

Back to School Night

8/18/22 | Youth Ministry

Join us for our back-to-school celebration in the new Youth Room (located in the Little Building) next Sunday, August 28th @ 5pm-7pm! Grades 6-12, and parents, are invited for pizza, time with friends, and to meet the Youth Minister. We will talk...

Calling All Acolytes and Youth Ushers!

8/18/22 | Youth Ministry

  We are excited to welcome our acolytes and youth ushers back into service this fall! All teens and tweens are invited to serve as worship leaders at our 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday mornings and at special services throughout the year...

Youth Mission Trip This Week!

6/7/22 | Youth Ministry

Early Sunday morning our youth missioners and their chaperones from St. Peter's and St. Michael & St. George depart for Louisville! Keep them in your prayers this week as they seek to serve and to learn. Let us pray: Oh God of love, empower...