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Welcome to
St. Peter's Episcopal Church

St. Peter’s is an Episcopal

faith community in the St. Louis suburb of Ladue, seeking to know God in Christ and in each other, and to be transformed by our common life with Christ.  We hope the following information will answer any questions you may have about your first time at St. Peter’s.


7:30 a.m. Brief service of Morning Prayer in Grace Chapel

Midweek holy eucharist (wednesday night)

5:30 p.m.  Holy Eucharist in the Grace Chapel

Sunday Service Times

8:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with full choir (Livestreamed on our YouTube Page)

Sunday Activities

8:45-10:00 a.m. Parish breakfast in Undercroft (September-June)

9:15-10:00 a.m. Rector's Forum in Undercroft (September-June)

10:30 a.m. Sunday School (September – May) Children join their families for the latter part of the worship service. Summer Sunday School is in session June-August.

11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour in the Undercroft



110 North Warson Road, Saint Louis, MO US 63124

Plan your Visit

If you are thinking about visiting St. Peter’s, we extend our warmest welcome to you. From the moment you walk up to the building you will likely be greeted by a number of friendly faces excited to make your acquaintance!

  • Start here
  • What to expect
  • For my kids


Parking is available in front of, next to, and behind the main church, which is visible from the intersection.  Ushers outside the main doors of the church will be happy to help you find your way around.

Our accessible entrance, with an elevator, is at the rear of the building. Take the elevator to the first floor (marked ‘Church Offices and Sanctuary’) and then follow the hallway around to the right to enter the main sanctuary.


As an Episcopal Church, worship at St. Peter's is liturgical, which means our worship adheres to set forms and doesn't change much week to week. Our 8:00 a.m. service is a calmer, more meditative service while our 10:30 a.m. service involves a heightened experience with more music. Our 5:00 p.m. service in the Undercroft (what we call our downstairs parish hall) is quick, casual, and more relaxed. The best way to get a feel for our worship is to check out one of our services in person or online (the 10:30 a.m. service is livestreamed weekly on our YouTube page). Worship is always accompanied by a detailed service bulletin which can be found on our worship page.

Between services

You are welcome to attend our breakfast between the services (breakfast is held at 8:45, September through June). Breakfast takes place in the undercroft, and is a great way to meet clergy, parishioners, and other new members. You’ll see a basket for donations to cover the cost of breakfast, but breakfast is on us for visitors! In the months when breakfast is offered, the rector’s forum will also take place beginning at 9:15 in the undercroft, which covers a variety of topics of interest for Christians and inquirers.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour begins after the 10:30 a.m. Join us for sweets, refreshments, and fellowship! 


sunday school and nursery

Children and families are an important part of the life of St. Peter’s Church. Nursery and Childcare is available in the Little Building from 9:30 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. 

We are currently holding Children's Chapel in Grace Chapel at 10:15 a.m., just before the 10:30 a.m. service. This mini-worship service, led by the children and one of the clergy, is designed to introduce pre-schoolers and older children to what is happening in worship while they are in Sunday School.

Our Sunday School program is for children from three years of age through seventh grade. Children participate in learning the story of God’s love through Bible stories in print and video, games, crafts, and conversation. We create a positive environment for making friends and developing their faith. Each week from September through May, children attend Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. and join their families for the latter part of the worship service. We also offer Summer Sunday School!

If you would like additional information, please contact Yvonne Twillman at