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St. Peter's Day 2020

8/20/20 | Worship, Fellowship

PETER’S DAY 2020 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH  A COMMUNITY CELEBRATION! Come for an outdoor service of Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m.! Enjoy community and coffee in the garden from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.! Listen to Music for Meditation...

Financial Giving Through the Summer

8/20/20 | Stewardship

Don’t forget St. Peter’s while you are away! Your financial support is needed during the summer when contributions tend to decline, and is especially important this year while we are not worshipping together. Plate offerings and...

Blessing of the Backpacks


To celebrate the beginning of school, we will have a DRIVE THRU blessing of school backpacks on Sunday, August 23rd from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Take a ride through the circle drive to receive a blessing for God to be with the children of...

Personal Prayer in the Sanctuary

8/1/20 | Worship

Church Opening for Personal Prayer - If you have missed being in the holy space of our main sanctuary, we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy its peaceful solace, either on Sunday or Wednesday mornings. Sunday Music for...

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