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Join the Holy Conversation!


Holy Conversations are a time of listening and conversation in parish community to explore our hopes and dreams, strengths, and challenges. The Search Committee wants to learn about parishioners' experiences at St. Peter's, their successes, joys...

Staff Transitions


Ann Babington After seven years of serving as Director of Christian Education, Ann Babington retired from her position at the end of June.  With the beloved Mrs. Babington at the helm, our children’s ministries have grown and thrived...

RE-ENTRY PLANS as of 7/10/20


Due to rising rates of infection and hospitalization for COVID 19, in conjunction with Bishop Johnson’s pastoral letter, St. Peter’s will not resume in-person worship until at least September 1st.  A link to the pastoral letter...

Hymns from Home

7/2/20 | Music

Do you have a hymn you'd like to sing? Do you miss singing in church?   Let our Organist and Director of Music, David Sinden know what hymn you'd like him to record, and he will record it on the St. Peter's organ for...

Share the Peace!

7/2/20 | Worship

We would love to see more parishioners sharing the joy of our “virtual” worship together, and what better way than by sharing the Peace of the Lord!  If you have the means to record yourself and/or members of your family sharing...

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