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A Letter from the Rector


November 20, 2019   Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,   I am writing you with some news that will likely come as a surprise. After a fulfilling tenure, I have decided to step down as your rector in 2020. My last day will be February...

Advent Wreath-Making: December 1

11/21/19 | Christian Education

The Light of the World “Our Advent Wreath is on our kitchen table.  It brings joy to our family dinner and an opportunity to talk about Advent.”  -St. Peter’s family During this season of quiet, hopeful expectation...

2020 Annual Giving Campaign

11/7/19 | Stewardship

 2020 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Pledging financial support is an important spiritual exercise which allows us to reflect on the gifts God has given us and express our thanks by giving back. Prayerful consideration and reflecting on our faith...

Canidates for Bishop


The Search/Nominating Committee has announced the final slate of candidates for The Diocese of Missouri’s 11th Bishop:  The Rev. Stacey Fussell, The Rev. Deon Johnson and The Rev. George Smith. Go to...
