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All the Ways to Stay Connected!


Visit us at for updates and information Follow us on Instagram at or go to your Instagram App and search “specstl” Like us on Facebook at View our Blog at...

Easter Saturday Hymn Sing

4/16/20 | Music

This Saturday, make plans to stay in and sing out!  David Sinden, St. Peter's Director of Music, will sing all* the Easter hymns in the Hymnal 1982 from his piano at home on YouTube Live Saturday, April 18 at 1:30 p.m.  You can tune...

Giving to St. Peter's

4/16/20 | Opportunities to Serve

Help us continue our ministry during this time when protecting everyone’s health necessitates the closing of our doors. While worshipping together online hasn’t allowed for the passing of a “virtual” offering plate...

Holy Week at Home

4/11/20 | Worship, Christian Education, Formation

Easter Sunday April 12 Easter Sunday worship will be available on our website, Facebook page, and Youtube page beginning at 8:00 a.m. Children's Chapel will be at 9:30 a.m. Note the change in time this week! You may find the Zoom link in our...

Family Formation Resources

4/10/20 | Christian Education

As we strive to stay connected during this Holy Week and beyond, we wish to share with you these free resources for your family. New content will be added regularly, so be sure to check back! Faithful Celebrations What we do in Lent Common...
