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Sunday Forums in Lent

2/27/20 | Formation

SUNDAY FORUMS IN LENT“Learning How to Forgive and Return to Love”  Beginning next Sunday, March 8th, Rob will lead a series focused on forgiveness. Learn the mechanism of resentment and forgiveness, and how to distinguish...

2020 Stewardship Update

2/20/20 | Stewardship

2020 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN In this new year, please help us wrap up our 2020 campaign by sending in your pledge if you haven’t yet. We invite you to consider a gift to St. Peter’s in thanksgiving for all the ways God lives through...

Yes! Lenten Supper Series

2/20/20 | Formation

Yes!3 Lenten Supper Series Join our Interim Rector for a Lenten program designed to help you discover and live a life in which you can simultaneously say Yes! To God – Yes! To your Neighbor – Yes! To Yourself.  Come learn from...

St. Peter's Interim Rector


by Jeanie DAvis, Senior WArden On behalf of the Vestry, I am happy to announce that we have come to an agreement with the Rev. Robert J. Voyle, to become our Interim Rector beginning on March 1st. At the conclusion of our three-day visit with...

St. Peter's Mission Trip

1/30/20 | Youth Ministry, Opportunities to Serve

ST. PETER'S MISSION TRIP IS NOW INTER-GENERATIONAL! UPDATE! Our youth Mission Trip is expanded to include ALL parishioners 8th grade and up! Join a few of our St. Peter’s Youth and their parents as they head to the Appalachian region of...
