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Guest Speaker Blake Strode

9/24/20 | Formation

Next week during Coffee with the Rector, we welcome guest speaker Blake Strode, Executive Director of ArchCity Defenders. ArchCity Defenders (ACD). Our conversation will be on "Re-envisioning Public Safety." Please join us for...

Financial Giving


We are very grateful to our parishioners and friends who are financially supporting St. Peter’s right now in these historic times. It is important that we stay connected to one another during this time, and that we continue to give as we...

Sign Up for Indaba Nights!

9/24/20 | Formation, Fellowship

St. Peter's is excited for the return of Indaba Nights, a four-week series inspired by the South African concept of indaba, used at the 2008 Lambeth Conference as a way to increase understanding and deepen relationships amongst the bishops...

CD Release Party

9/17/20 | Music

The St. Peter’s Choir is very proud to announce the forthcoming release of their new recording, Longing for Home. Everyone is invited to the virtual CD release party on Thursday, October 1st at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. Come learn about what we...

Celebrating the Life of the Reverend Alexander Crummell


On Sunday, September 13, the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) celebrates the life and legacy of The Reverend Alexander Crummell, whose official feast day is September 10th. Rev. Crummell (1819-1898) was born in New York. He was denied entrance...

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