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Christmas Lessons and Carols

12/24/19 | Worship, Music

Christmas Lessons and Carols Childcare, Children’s Chapel, Sunday School, Breakfast and Rector’s Forum will all resume on the usual schedule on January 5th, the 12th day of Christmas. Come to the 10:30 a.m. service that day for...

St. Peter's Men's Retreat

12/12/19 | Formation, Fellowship

My brothers in Christ, We live in a society that judges us as men by our appearance, physical strength, intellectual capacity, and earning capacity. It is no wonder that many of us struggle with issues of self-esteem, addiction, and plain old...

Help Deliver Some Holiday Cheer!

11/30/19 | Opportunities to Serve

HELP NEEDED, PLEASE – If you would be interested in helping on Wednesday or Thursday, December 11th or 12th by delivering poinsettias to our mostly at-home parishioners and the recently bereaved, please call or email the Church Office...

A Letter from the Senior Warden


Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners, When Luke told DeWayne and me about his decision to step down as our rector, I was filled with mixed emotions. I was personally sorry to hear that he’d be leaving, as he is a gifted priest and dear...

A Letter from the Rector


November 20, 2019   Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,   I am writing you with some news that will likely come as a surprise. After a fulfilling tenure, I have decided to step down as your rector in 2020. My last day will be February...
