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St. Peter's Caring Circles

4/2/20 | Opportunities to Serve, Fellowship

Staying connected in community with God and one another. As we intentionally practice physical isolation to protect everyone from the pandemic, we will stay connected as a parish via St. Peter’s Caring Circles. For as long as our church...

Maundy Thursday Shoe Collection

3/27/20 | Opportunities to Serve

UPDATE: The Trinity Food Pantry is postponing their Maundy Thursday Foot Clinic, so please hold onto the shoes you had planned to donate, and then bring them to church once our buildings are again open. We will be collecting new and gently used...

Trinity Food Pantry

3/27/20 | Opportunities to Serve

In Lieu of our monthly First Sunday Food Drive, we ask that you continue supporting Trinity Episcopal Church Food Pantry, which needs our help to continue feeding people two days a week via curbside food pick up. Money donations will go for the...

A Letter from Rob Regarding the Suspension of Services


Dear St. Peter’s Community, Imagine a virus comes to our town and decides to throw a great party. Invitations are sent out, great excitement is generated, and nobody shows up…   That is what we at St. Peter’s...

Responding to Public Health Concerns


Responding to public health concerns, the Bishop and Bishop-elect of Missouri have called on all parishes to practice a fast from public worship, at least until April 3rd.  St. Peter’s is suspending Sunday and Wednesday worship...
