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Pentecost Sunday

5/14/20 | Worship

Celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit with Bishop-elect Deon! We are excited to have our Bishop-elect, the Rev. Deon Johnson, make his first visitation to St. Peter’s in two weeks, on the Feast of Pentecost. Join Bishop-elect Deon...

Special Gifts

5/7/20 | Opportunities to Serve, Stewardship

Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Special Gift What a perfect time to show your gratitude with a gift in honor or in memory of your Mom, a special person in your life, a healthcare worker, or a special teacher. Your gift will support the...

May 17 Coffee with the Rector: Plans for Re-Entry

5/7/20 | Formation

Join Interim Rector, Rob Voyle for Coffee with the Rector via live Zoom chat on Sunday mornings at 10:30.  For those unable to connect by the internet you can call in by telephone. The link to join will be in Friday’s News from The...

Outreach Offering During Easter

4/30/20 | Opportunities to Serve

OUR EASTER OFFERING – Forty-nine percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Twenty-two million Americans are now unemployed, with 334,000 people in Missouri having applied for unemployment benefits since mid-March. One in every...

Thank you, Ann!

4/30/20 | Christian Education

After seven years of serving as Director of Christian Education, Ann Babington will be retiring this summer. While it may be hard to imagine our children’s ministries without the amazing Mrs. Babington at the helm, if you are someone who...

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