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Results Filtered By: Worship

Youth Sunday

4/15/21 | Worship

Join us for service on Sunday, April 25th as we celebrate Youth Sunday! The Youth of St. Peter's will be serving as lectors, ushers, and acolytes for the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service. We will also give special recognition to the senior class...

Upcoming Changes to Sunday Morning Schedule

1/28/21 | Worship

A NEW STEP TOWARD REOPENING – Following consultation with the parish Reopening Steering Group, beginning January 31st our 8:00 a.m. service of Spiritual Communion will be live-streamed from inside the church. To start, only clergy...

Outdoor Worship as of January 10

12/31/20 | Worship

We will be worshipping from the front porch at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday when it is 40 degrees or warmer.  We make these adjustments to our schedule in recognition of the colder weather that is coming, inviting our 8:00 a.m. worshippers to...

Plans to Move Worship Inside

10/15/20 | Worship

While mother nature has been beautifully cooperative with outdoor worship over the past month, we know that inclement and colder weather will eventually arrive at our corner. With this in mind, and so long as the pandemic statistics for St. Louis...

St. Peter's Day 2020

8/20/20 | Worship

PETER’S DAY 2020 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH  A COMMUNITY CELEBRATION! Come for an outdoor service of Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m.! Enjoy community and coffee in the garden from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.! Listen to Music for Meditation...

Personal Prayer in the Sanctuary

8/1/20 | Worship

Church Opening for Personal Prayer - If you have missed being in the holy space of our main sanctuary, we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy its peaceful solace, either on Sunday or Wednesday mornings. Sunday Music for...

Share the Peace!

7/2/20 | Worship

We would love to see more parishioners sharing the joy of our “virtual” worship together, and what better way than by sharing the Peace of the Lord!  If you have the means to record yourself and/or members of your family sharing...