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Results Filtered By: Worship

Choral Evensong: March 13 at 5:00 p.m.

3/10/22 | Worship

This traditional evening service of scripture, prayer, and music will be sung next Sunday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. The service includes music by Alice Parker and David Ashley White. The anthem is a setting of the beloved Evening Prayer collect...

Guest Preacher This Sunday

2/24/22 | Worship

This Sunday, St. Peter's welcomes The Rev. Deborah Burris as guest preacher and speaker during our Invoke 30 sessions.  Coffee and conversation await you in the undercroft after each service this Sunday! Our series “Blessings in the...

Ash Wednesday: March 2

2/17/22 | Worship

Once you have had your fill of pancakes and identified your pick for the Lent Madness Golden Halo 2022, plan to enter into a holy Lent by joining in worship with your community of faith. St. Peter’s will offer three celebrations of Holy...

Choral Evensong: February 13

2/3/22 | Worship

This traditional evening service of scripture, prayer, and music returns to St. Peter’s next Sunday, February 13 at 5:00 p.m. Music by Charles Wood, George Dyson (Evening Service in F), and Annabel Rooney. The Evensong series continues the...

Epiphany Eve Service

12/30/21 | Worship

Celebrate the magi’s arrival at the manger—a sign of Christ’s ministry to the whole wide world—in a joyful service of Holy Eucharist, with choir, this Wednesday, January 5, at 6:00 p.m.

St. Peter's Christmas Worship Schedule

12/9/21 | Worship

Here is St. Peter’s schedule of Christmas season services: Christmas Eve, Dec 24: 4:00 p.m. Children’s Pageant and Holy Eucharist (livestreamed) 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Choir (livestreamed) 11:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with...

Choral Evensong: November 14

11/11/21 | Worship

Choral Evensong, a service of scripture, prayer, and music will be held next Sunday, November 14 at 5:00 p.m. The music for this service is all by English composer William Byrd (1543–1623), considered to be one of the greatest composers of...