St. Peter’s Christmas Pageant Tradition
“Joy to the world! The Lord is come: Let earth receive her King.” Each year St. Peter’s has a meaningful tradition of having a Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve during the service of Holy...
“Joy to the world! The Lord is come: Let earth receive her King.” Each year St. Peter’s has a meaningful tradition of having a Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve during the service of Holy...
Sr. Warden Jeanie Davis and the Vestry are pleased to announce the following parishioners who will serve on the Rector Search Committee: Chris Knight, Chair; the Rev. Susie Skinner, Chaplain; John Bradley; Mokie Carmichael; Laurie Haffenreffer...
The Church Office will close at Noon on Christmas Eve and will remain closed the rest of the week. The Finance Office will be open on Monday, December 30th and until Noon on Tuesday, December 31st to receive your contributions. Please...
Christmas Lessons and Carols Childcare, Children’s Chapel, Sunday School, Breakfast and Rector’s Forum will all resume on the usual schedule on January 5th, the 12th day of Christmas. Come to the 10:30 a.m. service that day for...
My brothers in Christ, We live in a society that judges us as men by our appearance, physical strength, intellectual capacity, and earning capacity. It is no wonder that many of us struggle with issues of self-esteem, addiction, and plain old...