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Stations of the Cross


Have you walked the path in the woods adjacent to St. Peter’s lower parking lot?  It was created last fall by Peter Grace as his Eagle Scout project.  We will be using the path during Holy week to host the Stations of the Cross...

Sacred Conversations: Guest Speaker Andre Alexander


The Anti-Racism group invites you to the next installment of Sacred Conversations: Exploring Race and Community during Coffee Hour on the 4th Sunday of the month. This month, we welcome Andre Alexander, The Pastor of The Tabernacle in St...

Holy Baptism


Has the pandemic kept you waiting to schedule a baptism for your son or daughter?  Here are upcoming baptismal dates at St. Peter’s (at the 10:30 a.m. service): April 11, May 23, August 8, and November 7. To...

Spring Clean Up!

3/11/21 | Opportunities to Serve

Please join us for a morning of tidying our church grounds in preparation for on-site worship services during Holy Week!  If you are able to help with an hour or two of outdoor cleaning, please join us on Saturday, March 27, from 9:00 a.m. -...

New Office Hours


As St. Peter’s staff and clergy begin to return to working in the office, we are happy to let you know the days and times during the week when you can expect to speak with someone when you call the church office!  The phone will be...

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