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Join Us for Bible Study

9/15/22 | Formation

Did you know that, beginning in October, St. Peter's will be offering THREE Bible Studies? Fit formation into your weekly schedule. Take a look and see which offering (or offerings!) you want to try out this fall season. Friday Morning...

Sunday School Kickoff

9/1/22 | Christian Education

Our children’s ministries resume their busy schedules on Sunday, September 11, when the new Sunday School program year begins. During the 10:30 Worship Service, 4th graders will receive Bibles, and Sunday School teachers will be...

First Responders' Breakfast

8/31/22 | Fellowship

FIRST RESPONDERS’ BREAKFAST – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 @ 7:15 a.m. The Men’s Breakfast will host their annual breakfast to honor the first responders of our community on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:15 a.m. in the Undercroft. All are...

Save the Date for St. Peter's Day!

8/18/22 | Fellowship

On Sunday, September 18, join us in the celebration of our patronal feast! Don’t miss the first Rector’s Forum of the program year after the 8:00 service. After the 10:30 service, the celebration continues in the garden with a festive...

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