Nursery Help Needed
Would you like to help out in the nursery on Sunday mornings? St. Peter’s would like to hire a part-time Child Caregiver to work in the nursery, with children 0-4 years old, during Sunday morning worship. Applicants must be at...
Would you like to help out in the nursery on Sunday mornings? St. Peter’s would like to hire a part-time Child Caregiver to work in the nursery, with children 0-4 years old, during Sunday morning worship. Applicants must be at...
“‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and...
Put on your ball cap and join your fellow parishioners for some time on the diamond. St. Peter’s team will be playing in the Emery Washington Convocation League Softball Tournament on Friday, June 10, 6:00-8:00 p.m., and Saturday, June 11...
Throughout the month of May, stop by the Realm Table in the Undercroft during breakfast. Update your contact information for our directory, tell us about your skills and interests to get involved, take your Realm profile picture, and get your...
Dear VBS Families, Your children will have the chance to build their faith and learn about God’s love in fun and meaningful ways this summer by attending St. Peter’s Episcopal Church’s Vacation Bible School! Please...
On Sunday, May 8, we will celebrate Confirmation, as well as our Episcopal visitation by The Right Reverend Deon K. Johnson, Bishop of The Diocese of Missouri! This will be a day of joy and celebration as we officially welcome ten of our youth...
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is seeking to hire an enthusiastic and creative Director of Children’s Ministry. As a lay staff member, the Director of Children’s Ministry should develop rich, meaningful relationships with...