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Ash Wednesday: March 2

2/17/22 | Worship

Once you have had your fill of pancakes and identified your pick for the Lent Madness Golden Halo 2022, plan to enter into a holy Lent by joining in worship with your community of faith. St. Peter’s will offer three celebrations of Holy...

Lent Madness 2022

2/10/22 | Opportunities to Serve

Lent Madness 2022 The Saintly Smackdown is Back! For the thirteenth year running, people are gearing up for Lent Madness, the beloved “saintly smackdown!” Join in the fun at St. Peter’s! To participate in our 6th annual St...

Save the Date! Vacation Bible School 2022

2/9/22 | Christian Education

Your children and grandchildren won’t want to miss a minute of St. Peter’s fabulous Vacation Bible School, June 6-10, 9am to Noon, for Campers age 4-10 and Youth Leaders 11 and older. Science, art, music, Bible lessons, and special...

Choral Evensong: February 13

2/3/22 | Worship, Music

This traditional evening service of scripture, prayer, and music returns to St. Peter’s next Sunday, February 13 at 5:00 p.m. Music by Charles Wood, George Dyson (Evening Service in F), and Annabel Rooney. The Evensong series continues the...

2022 Annual Meeting and Vestry Nominations


Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 6 at 9:00 a.m. There will also be an option to participate via Zoom. Participate in person or via Zoom link: https://bit.ly/SpecAnnualMtgMeeting ID: Meeting ID: 824 7131...

Meaningful Conversations

1/26/22 | Fellowship, Stewardship

There are still two opportunities to join the Rev. David Hodges to reimagine how we share, serve, and celebrate as we begin St. Peter’s next chapter! Please plan to attend one of the following events: Four spots are available on...

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