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Youth Sunday

4/15/21 | Worship, Youth Ministry, Music

Join us for service on Sunday, April 25th as we celebrate Youth Sunday! The Youth of St. Peter's will be serving as lectors, ushers, and acolytes for the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service. We will also give special recognition to the senior class...

Donate to Sunday Flowers!

4/15/21 | Worship

The altar flowers that beautify our worship are given to the glory of God! The Sunday flowers are ordered by the Church Office by agreement with a local florist, except for the Sundays following a memorial service or wedding. Donations for...

40 Cans in 40 Days

4/1/21 | Opportunities to Serve

This Lenten spiritual practice moves from the tradition of sacrificing by "giving up" something you enjoy to sacrificing by "giving" what someone else needs. "Forty Cans" is an invitation to join with fellow parishioners in choosing a can (or a...

Stations of the Cross


Have you walked the path in the woods adjacent to St. Peter’s lower parking lot?  It was created last fall by Peter Grace as his Eagle Scout project.  We will be using the path during Holy week to host the Stations of the Cross...

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