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Outreach Offering - THANK YOU!

4/23/21 | Opportunities to Serve

Thanks to everyone who gave so generously to support the efforts of Bridge of Hope and Outreach Haiti on behalf of children in need in St. Louis and Petit Harpon. Thanks to your generosity, St. Peter’s is providing each ministry with a...

Come Serve with Us!


As we begin to return to church and our new “normal” of worshipping together, we invite all parishioners to explore the many opportunities to get more involved in the life of our parish. Serving on Sunday, furthering the mission of...

Youth Sunday

4/15/21 | Worship, Youth Ministry, Music

Join us for service on Sunday, April 25th as we celebrate Youth Sunday! The Youth of St. Peter's will be serving as lectors, ushers, and acolytes for the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service. We will also give special recognition to the senior class...

Donate to Sunday Flowers!

4/15/21 | Worship

The altar flowers that beautify our worship are given to the glory of God! The Sunday flowers are ordered by the Church Office by agreement with a local florist, except for the Sundays following a memorial service or wedding. Donations for...

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