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Men's Breakfast this Tuesday

11/4/21 | Fellowship

Please join us this Tuesday (Nov. 9) at 8:00 a.m for the November Men's Breakfast. It will be held at the Shack Breakfast & Lunch restaurant located at 731 S. Lindbergh, Frontenac, MO, 63131. Please RSVP today to Matt Bouchard at . We hope...

St. Peter's Choir's CD Celebrates First Anniversary

11/4/21 | Music

One year ago, Regent Records released the St. Peter’s Choir’s most recent recording, “Longing for Home: The American Hymn Tradition.” Selections from the recording has been nationally broadcast, and it continues to meet...

The Season of Giving Thanks

11/4/21 | Stewardship

Autumn is the time of year when our thoughts move towards a season of giving, gratitude, and gathering; we typically have focused on annual giving and how we will financially support the work and ministry of St. Peter’s. This year, we will...

Coffee Hour Moves Indoors this Sunday!


As we turn our clocks back and watch both the temperature and the covid statistics fall, we are happy to be able to move coffee hour into the undercroft after both Sunday worship services.  Thanks to everyone for continuing to wear your mask...

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