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Join Us for St. Peter's Day!

9/2/21 | Fellowship

Join us Sunday, September 12, to celebrate our patron saint and meet our new rector in spirit-filled worship. Coffee and donuts will be served on the front drive after the 8:00 a.m. service as everyone has an opportunity to greet the Rev. David...

A New St. Peter’s Grief Group This Fall


In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul calls on Christians to “love one another with mutual affection,” explaining that one way we can do this is by “weeping with those who weep.”  For those who love, loss and grief...

Fall Clean-Up

8/19/21 | Opportunities to Serve

Will you help us beautify our church in time for our St. Peter’s Day celebration? Join us this Saturday, August 28, 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. for some outdoor grounds keeping and indoor cleaning (masked, of course). Coffee and donuts will be...

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