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Hold On Outing

1/18/24 | Fellowship

St. Peter's Parishioners Plan Outing to see Hold On Wednesday, January 24th at 7 pm at the Edison Theater at Wash U   POINT OF CONTACT: KATIE CLAGGETT  |  314-640-0150 |   We are putting together...

Youth Winter Retreat 2024

1/11/24 | by Zack Rugenstone

Youth Winter Retreat 2024 February 2-4, 2024    The youth are heading out of town and going to Camp Wayman with the Church of Saint Michael Saint George and St. Tims for a Winter Retreat Feb. 2nd - 4th.  There will be plenty of...

Annual Meeting 2024


Annual Meeting 2024 Sunday, January 28 | 9:00 a.m. | In the Undercroft   Join with your fellow parishioners, the St. Peter's Vestry, and clergy on Sunday, January 28th for the Annual Meeting. Every year, the Annual Meeting serves as an...

Epiphany Lessons & Carols 2024

12/21/23 | Music | by David Sinden

EPIPHANY LESSONS AND CAROLS A service of Epiphany Lessons and Carols will be held on Sunday, January 14 at 5:00 p.m. This candlelit service of music and readings for the season is sung by the St. Peter’s Singers. The music is by Thomas...

Revival 2024


Diocesan Revival Cancelled Jan. 15, 2024 The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, announced today that the March 15 Diocesan Revival featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has been cancelled. “Like...

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