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What we focus on becomes our reality

Morning Folks

In many places in the scriptures we are to “Behold” which means to “Look” and see beyond what we see. It can also mean to pay attention.

A core principle of the Appreciative Way is: “What we focus on becomes our reality.” Or What we water with our attention will grow.

Buddhists talk of “right seeing” the paying attention to that which is truly true, timeless or eternal, rather than the temporal things that all will pass away.

In the midst of the virus I invite us all to pay attention to what we are paying attention to.

This is not to deny some seriously bad stuff is happening.

We need to be aware of the suffering, but we can view it through eyes of wonder, that Jesus too weeps.

And eyes of wonder at the people offering caring, that this suffering is bringing out the best in people.

With a smile

Posted by The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle with