Saint Peter's Youth Returns

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that school is back. I wanted to quickly share some of my plans for the youth group starting here in September. I hope you’re able to join us for some of these really incredible events!
9/10 @ 5pm - YOUTH GROUP KICK OFF!! : The youth group is going to kick off its year by getting really really messy. We are going to compete in slip n slide hockey, have an egg battle royal, and more!! I’d suggest wearing clothes and shoes they can easily throw away as well as an extra towel / trash bag to sit on for the car ride home.
Youth group will resume on Sunday evenings at 5pm weekly. This is the same time as the service in the undercroft so parents can join that service while the youth meet! The first week on Sept. 10th is the Kickoff, the following Sunday will be all about community building games, and the last Sunday of Sept. we’ll be talking about how we can be involved in the worship service on Sundays.
10/08 - Confirmation Classes Begin : The first Confirmation class session will begin on October 8th to help prepare students for the sacrament of Confirmation during the Bishop’s visitation on April 28th. The class meets every other Sunday from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 for six weeks to prepare the student for Confirmation that the Bishop will perform at the 10:30 service during his visit on April 28th. There will be two confirmation sessions offered during this next academic year. The first six classes will happen from Oct 8th to Dec. 17th with a spring option taking place from Jan. 28th to April 7th. Youth need to participate in one six-week session to be confirmed. To sign up, reach out to Zack or use this link.
The Sunday School ministry is looking for youth help in the nursery on Sunday mornings. Arrive at 10:15 for a breakfast treat and stay until the end of the service. Toddlers and preschoolers LOVE having the “Big Kids” in their class with them. Please email and let her know what Sunday you would like to help. She’s looking forward to hearing from our future teachers and youth pastors who are ready to get some experience!
I look forward to seeing you all again soon!