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Epiphany Lessons and Carols

12/29/22 | Worship, Music

A service of Epiphany Lessons and Carols will be held on Sunday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. This candlelit service of music and readings for the season is sung by the St. Peter's Singers. It will feature a new Epiphany carol. The words of this new...

Year-End Giving

12/29/22 | Stewardship

St. Peter’s ministry is possible because of parishioners’ faithful support. In thanks for God guiding us through a tumultuous few years, we hope you will prayerfully consider making a year-end gift in support of our church. Our...

Christmas Worship Schedule

12/22/22 | Worship

Everyone is welcome to worship on Christmas Eve and Day. The schedule will be: Christmas Eve Worship – Saturday, December 24:4:00  p.m.       Holy Communion and Pageant (link to...

Two Advent Offerings this Week

12/8/22 | Worship

saturday, december 10 What does Christmas tell us about God? As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, give yourself the gift of a few hours for fellowship, prayer, and quiet reflection on Saturday, December 10, 9:00 to Noon. This morning will be...

Christmas Flowers


It is time to order flowers and greens to beautify the sanctuary for the Christmas Season. We hope that you will contribute $40.00 to the general cost of the decorations and greens. You may order and make your donation through the parish website...

Winter Clothing Drive

12/8/22 | Opportunities to Serve

AN UPDATED NOTE FROM THE REV. BARBI CLICK: "We are extremely short on space so the requests for clothing donations are limited to season specific and gender neutral clothing (i.e., we never need business dress nor evening wear). There are places...

A Note from Zack!

12/1/22 | Youth Ministry

Good afternoon parents!  I hope everyone has worked through their Thanksgiving leftovers and is enjoying the Advent season. I just wanted to send this email out as a reminder of all the wonderful stuff the youth group has coming...

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