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Results Filtered By: Opportunities To Serve

April : Food Drive Sunday

3/23/23 | Opportunities to Serve

We are excited for St. Peter’s to partner with Trinity Episcopal in the Central West End to help feed the hungry in St. Louis. This Sunday, and on the last Sunday of each month, as you leave worship a fellow parishioner will hand you a...

Lenten Shoe Drive

3/1/23 | Opportunities to Serve

We are excited to work with the Trinity Food Pantry this Lent to care for those in our community. Most unhoused people walk everywhere they go, and usually wear out a pair of shoes in a month. St. Peter’s is collecting new MEN’S...

March 5: Food Drive Sunday

2/23/23 | Opportunities to Serve

We are excited for St. Peter’s to partner with Trinity Episcopal, in the Central West End, in both its food pantry and hot lunch programs, to help feed the hungry in St. Louis. This Sunday, and on the last Sunday of each month, as you leave...

What is St. Peter's Cares?

2/9/23 | Opportunities to Serve

What is St. Peter’s Cares? What Do They Do? How Does it Work? St. Peter’s Cares is a ministry of parishioners taking care of each other with prayers, meals, and transportation. It is led by two shepherds, currently Nancy...

February 5: Food Drive Sunday

1/26/23 | Opportunities to Serve

URGENT: The pantry has picked up considerably with the colder weather and predictions of snow. They are completely out of toilet paper and bar soap, and running out of peanut butter and cereal. Please help us keep Trinity Food Pantry stocked...

Winter Clothing Drive

12/8/22 | Opportunities to Serve

AN UPDATED NOTE FROM THE REV. BARBI CLICK: "We are extremely short on space so the requests for clothing donations are limited to season specific and gender neutral clothing (i.e., we never need business dress nor evening wear). There are places...