A Note from Zack!

Good afternoon parents!
I hope everyone has worked through their Thanksgiving leftovers and is enjoying the Advent season. I just wanted to send this email out as a reminder of all the wonderful stuff the youth group has coming up.
First, I’d love to have a meeting with some parents and potential youth volunteers on the evening of Dec. 4th, from 6 to 7, after the 5pm service. I’d love to be able to get everyone together and chat as a group about what our visions for the youth group are and how we’re going to get there. We will also be going over the semester's calendar and taking a look at what we’ll be doing as a community starting in January!
Second, The youth group will have their first meeting on January 8th, from 5pm to 6pm, in the Little Building. We’re going to take the first few weeks and do a bunch of community building games and take some time to rest after the holidays. I have a ton of wonderful games and lessons planned for us and I cannot wait to get started!
Finally, there are a number of volunteer opportunities for our youth here at the church during the holiday season. If you would like your youth to volunteer at Parents' Night Out (Dec. 9th) or the Christmas Pageant, or would like more information, email Yvonne at . Also, if any of the youth would like to submit their volunteer hours so that we can keep track of the number of hours volunteered, they can potentially earn a Presidential Medal! Let me know if that is something you'd be interested in, and we can work on that together!
That is all for now and I really hope that you’re able to join us. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions/concerns.
Zachary Rugenstone
Youth Minister