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Welcome our New Sexton, Andrew!


We are happy to announce that we have hired a new Sexton.  Andrew Williams began working at St. Peter’s on March 1st.  In addition to days, he will be at church on Sunday mornings, assisting with our worship and fellowship...

Meet Your New Wardens and Vestry Members


The Vestry is the lay leadership team that works with the Rector to help define and articulate the spiritual mission of the church, ensure effective organization and planning, and carry out the business of the church related to property and...

Life Together: Lenten Offerings

2/24/22 | Formation, Fellowship

From the opening letter of our Life Together packet, David+ writes... Our Lenten theme this year at St. Peter’s is Life Together, and there will be opportunities for us to become more aware of our mutual belonging. I hope this Lenten season...

Guest Preacher This Sunday

2/24/22 | Worship

This Sunday, St. Peter's welcomes The Rev. Deborah Burris as guest preacher and speaker during our Invoke 30 sessions.  Coffee and conversation await you in the undercroft after each service this Sunday! Our series “Blessings in the...

Ash Wednesday: March 2

2/17/22 | Worship

Once you have had your fill of pancakes and identified your pick for the Lent Madness Golden Halo 2022, plan to enter into a holy Lent by joining in worship with your community of faith. St. Peter’s will offer three celebrations of Holy...

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