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Lenten Shoe Drive

3/1/23 | Opportunities to Serve

We are excited to work with the Trinity Food Pantry this Lent to care for those in our community. Most unhoused people walk everywhere they go, and usually wear out a pair of shoes in a month. St. Peter’s is collecting new MEN’S...

March 5: Food Drive Sunday

2/23/23 | Opportunities to Serve

We are excited for St. Peter’s to partner with Trinity Episcopal, in the Central West End, in both its food pantry and hot lunch programs, to help feed the hungry in St. Louis. This Sunday, and on the last Sunday of each month, as you leave...

Lenten Book Study: The White Stone

2/21/23 | Formation

Lent is often seen as a time of spiritual transformation and growth. One way in which people practice a Lenten spirituality is to give something up and make a change. But what happens when you go through a change you didn’t expect, ask for...

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

2/16/23 | Worship, Fellowship

Join us this Tuesday, February 21 from 5:30-7:00 p.m., for an annual favorite! St. Peter's Youth along with incredible volunteers are bringing Shrove Tuesday back inside the walls of St. Peter’s! Tickets are on sale and can be purchased...

2023 Annual Giving Campaign

2/16/23 | Stewardship

A Community of Belonging 2023 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN  Thank you to all families who have made a pledge to date! If you have not yet made a commitment for 2023, we ask that you return your pledge card as soon as you are able. We have...

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