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Results Filtered By: Music


1/5/19 | Music | by David Sinden

We will experience the final echoes of the Christmas season soon at St. Peter's. First, this Sunday, when we celebrate the Epiphany. The Epiphany is always January 6, the day after the conclusion of the twelve days of Christmas. But it doesn't...

Advent Sunday: the Advent Carol Service

11/29/18 | Music | by David Sinden

Dear readers, Please accept my apologies for not keeping up with the blog in the final stretch of the season after Pentecost. I return to writing in this space with renewed Advent vigor! It's no secret that I love Advent. I would wager most...

All Saints' Sunday: Angels and Demons

11/2/18 | Music | by David Sinden

It has become that time of year when we celebrate All Saints' Day on a Sunday. (You can search the Book of Common Prayer for the words "All Saints' Sunday", but you won't find them in there!) The service begins with the familiar hymn for this...