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Winter Clothing Drive

12/8/22 | Opportunities to Serve

Winter Clothing Drive


"We are extremely short on space so the requests for clothing donations are limited to season specific and gender neutral clothing (i.e., we never need business dress nor evening wear). There are places that serve women and children clothing needs far better than TFM is capable of doing. For large (queen or king) blankets, quilts, knitted/crocheted coverings, these are best utilized when given to St Vincent de Paul or another thrift store. Twin size thermal blankets, sleeping bags, or the emergency mylar blankets are best for TFM."

In this season of hope, help us bring warmth to our neighbors served by Trinity Episcopal Church and Food Ministry by participating on our Winter Clothing Drive. We are collecting new or clean, gently used items to share with the 1500 homeless in St. Louis this winter. Items include warm coats, sweatshirts, shoes, socks, hats, gloves, scarves, hand and foot warmers, etc... You may leave the items in the designated boxes in the narthex or Church Office. Our drive will conclude on Sunday, January 8. Thank you for your continued generosity!

Needed Items for Winter Clothing Drive

  • Thinsulate or thermal gloves - Men's large and extra large
  • Hand and body warmers
  • Mylar emergency blankets
  • Skullies - close fitting caps that can be pulled down over the ears
  • Hoodies - men's large or extra large, zippered or pullover. Gently used accepted.
  • Warm coats - men's large and extra large. Gently used accepted. 
  • Thermal socks
  • Durable rain ponchos - large and extra large sizes
  • Backpacks - gently used and clean

Watch Trinity parishioner and volunteer Faith Sandler present on the work and mission of Trinity Food Ministry. Her presentation sparked the immediate interest in collecting needed winter items for the pantry.

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me
Matthew 25:40