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Ukraine Crisis Response

3/16/22 | Opportunities to Serve

Ukraine Crisis Response

If you are seeking a way to help Ukrainians in the midst of war, there are many NGO’s you can support. One to consider is Episcopal Relief and Development, which is working with Anglican agencies and other partners in Europe to provide humanitarian aid.

On March 15, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry spoke before the House of Bishops, saying, 

"Pray for Ukraine. Don’t give up on them. Do other things, send money to the refugees—Episcopal Relief & Development is working with other Christian groups in Hungary and in Eastern Europe. So get folk to send money. This is a commercial. Am I on TV somewhere here? Get the money to Episcopal Relief & Development. And there may be other things we can do, but do not abandon them without prayer. Pray. Pray for Ukraine. Pray for Russia. Pray for Putin, that unlike Pharaoh his hardened heart may be turned."

You may read his full sermon here.

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