The Search Process Enters A New Phase

The Search Process Enters A New Phase: Discerning the Call for St. Peter’s New Rector
As the Search Committee enters the next phase of calling our new rector, it is interesting to reflect upon the very first biblical search: to call a new twelfth apostle following Judas’ betrayal and death. After Jesus’ resurrection, the remaining apostles set search criteria based on a defined purpose, to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Next came a criteria and skills assessment of candidates; a relatively objective process that yielded two qualified choices, Mathias and Joseph. Finally, their task was to discern God’s will as to who to call; a subjective, intuitive, prayerful process to be sure. Their discernment led them to call Mathias to serve as the twelfth apostle to carry the good news of Jesus Christ out into the world.
St. Peter’s Search Committee has followed a path similar to the one taken by the apostles. With valuable input from parishioners, the Committee set search criteria and published the Parish Profile, giving potential candidates the information needed to judge if their skills and interests fit St. Peter’s needs and dreams.
The Committee is now set to begin reviewing applications. All applications received by the February 16th deadline are currently in the Bishop’s Office for initial vetting. The Search Committee expects to receive the vetted applications shortly, to begin assessing candidates against our established search criteria. Those candidates moving forward in the process will be asked to respond to five questions, specifically developed by the Committee based on our search criteria. Once responses are received to those questions, the discernment of who God is calling to be St. Peter’s next rector truly begins!
The Oxford Dictionary defines “discernment” in the Christian context as “perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding.” From the beginning, each member of the Search Committee has taken on this responsibility as a spiritual journey, keenly aware of God’s presence in this process through the movement of the Holy Spirit. Our chaplain, the Reverend Susie Skinner, guides us on this journey, opening and closing each meeting with quiet reflection and prayer that seeks the wisdom and guidance of God’s Spirit.
The Search Committee is excited to begin this next phase. In the coming weeks, watch for more information in News from the Rock as well as under the Rector Search tab on the website. Please continue to keep the Search Committee, as well as all potential candidates, in your prayers. This is one prayer offered at Search Committee meetings:
O God, we place our lives and the life of St. Peter’s in your hands. Give us wisdom as we would discern the person best suited to serve us as a faithful pastor, preacher and teacher. Help us to always remember that this is a sacred journey for the building up of Your Kingdom in this place. And grant that all we do may be to Your honor and glory. Amen.