The Gallery at St. Peter's

Friday, March 14 | 5:00 - 7:00 P.M.
The Gallery at St. Peter’s presents an exhibition of artist Michael Anderson in the Undercroft from March 14 to April 25. There will be an opening reception at 5:00 p.m. in the Undercroft on Friday, March 14.
About the Gallery
St. Peter's is launching a new projects to beautify our Undercroft and give a platform for local artists to showcase their art. Newly installed racks in the Undercroft will allow us to display a collection of art selected by a committee of parishioners. We will periodically offer shows for local artists, St. Peter's parishioners, and children's art. Some of the art will be available for purchase as well. To learn more about the Gallery at St. Peter's, watch see the video below where Nancy Grimes discusses the project during the Rector's Forum.
About Michael Anderson, Our First Featured Artist
Michael Anderson is a visual artist based in Belleville, IL working in traditional mediums of oils, watercolors and drawing. He established Michael Anderson Studio in the early 1980’s and has blended a lengthy career of architectural rendering, fine art, commissioned works and digital art.
Michael’s paintings have been featured in twelve solo exhibitions in venues including the Missouri Athletic Club(2023), Third Degree Glass Factory(2019) and The Ethical Society of St. Louis(2017). He has created architectural renderings for projects such as Chihuly Garden + Glass, Seattle, the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station and the Saint Louis Zoo. His artwork has been used as promotional posters for Opera Edwardsville(2021) and the Art On The Square(2009) festival, Belleville, IL. He is currently a resident artist at the Green Door Art Gallery, Webster Groves, MO.
Works of art by Michael Anderson have also been exhibited at Washington University, Southwestern Illinois College, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, McKendree University, Edwardsville Art Center, Powell Symphony Hall, Art Saint Louis, and the St. Louis Artists Guild. His paintings, drawings and watercolors are included in numerous private collections as well as the permanent collections of Southwestern Illinois College Foundation, Spire{Laclede Gas}, the City of Belleville, IL, Memorial Hospital East, Shiloh, IL and St. John United Church of Christ, Manchester, MO. Awards include Honor Awards 2022(Art Saint Louis), First Place St Louis Plein Air Award 2018, President's Award, Life Experienced(Southwestern Illinois College) 2012, Dona Weder Abbott Award For Artistic Excellence(Highland Arts Council) 2007 and Big Splash Juror's Choice(St. Louis Watercolor Society)2008 .
Artist Statement:
It is the mystery of luminosity, the fascination of the eye with color and the perception of space that are my sources of inspiration whether I am painting with a brush or sketching with pixels on a digital screen. It is the ability to awaken a forgotten memory, to discover a new way of seeing the familiar or perhaps the power to evoke emotion, especially happiness and awe, that I am certain is the triumph of painting.