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Thank you from Deacon Barbi 11.24.23


Thank you from Deacon Barbi 11.24.23

A Message of Thanks From Deacon Barbi


Dear People of St. Peter’s,

I want you to know that your “Coat” Drive came through right on time! On Sunday, November 19, I was able to give a coat and in some cases, a sweatshirt also to at least 6 people who were in desperate need of these. Of these 6, 5 of them are unhoused. One has an apartment but must walk everywhere he goes. I was also able to give blankets to several folks who asked. Everyone was extremely appreciative of both the weather resistant nature of the coats and the warmth. On Monday when sorting through the items, I found gloves, hats, sleeping bags and even more blankets!

It is difficult for most of us to imagine what it means to be homeless. Many of us spend our time attempting or at least thinking about how to live our best lives, how we can “stop and smell the roses” and what it means to live in the “now”. Yet, people who are homeless live in a constant state of “now”. Their lives are defined by need and which need is the most important at the moment. As the temperatures drop below 40, it is cold enough for a body’s core to drop below 95 degrees and hypothermia begins. Untreated, a person can die. That is how important these coats and blankets are. It was and is a lifesaving donation.

A great thanks goes to Dudley Grove and Charlie and Katie Claggett for making certain these donations got to Trinity. Over the next couple of weeks, the remainder of the items will be given out to those who need them.

Thank you for being part of this beloved community.

Love always; always Love.

The Rev Dcn Barbi Click
Manager, Trinity Food Ministry
A Jubilee Ministry Center