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St. Peter's to Commission Teachers & Acolytes 9/15


St. Peter's to Commission Teachers & Acolytes 9/15

St. Peter's to Commission Teachers & Acolytes

On Sunday, September 15, St. Peter's will be commissioning acolytes, Teachers for nursery and Sunday school, and we will also be presenting 4th grade bibles during the 10:30 a.m. service.




The Commissioning of Acolytes

The Acolytes and Acolyte Masters to be commissioned come to the front of the church.

Presenter      We present to you these persons to be admitted to the ministry of Acolyte in this congregation.

Celebrant     You have been called to a ministry of leadership in worship. Will you carry out this ministry to the best of your ability?

Acolytes        We will.

Celebrant     Will you support these persons in their ministry?

People          We will.

Celebrant     Let us pray.

                       O God, we commission those here as Acolytes and Acolyte Masters of this parish. Bless them as they serve, that they may minister before your earthly altar in reverence and holiness. In their service, may they attain the joy of serving and worshipping you before your heavenly altar; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Acolytes and Acolyte Masters return to their places.

The Commissioning of Teachers and Prayer for Fourth Grade Bibles

The Teachers to be commissioned come to the front of the church.

Presenter      We present to you these persons to be admitted to the ministry of Teacher in this congregation.

Celebrant     You have been called to a ministry of teaching and formation. Will you carry out this ministry to the best of your ability?

Teachers       We will.

Celebrant     Will you support these persons in their ministry?

People          We will.

Celebrant     Let us pray.

                       O God, we commission those gathered as Teachers of this parish. Bless them in their instruction; may your Word be a light to their paths, and inscribed in their hearts, as they recount to other generations your saving deeds; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Teachers return to their places.

Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son taught the disciples all things concerning himself from the sacred Scriptures: Bless and accept these Bibles which we dedicate here today, and grant that these children may so diligently search your holy Word that they may find in it the wisdom that leads to salvation; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Let us celebrate with gratitude the nursery and Sunday school teachers being commissioned on Sunday!
Nursery: Deana Huff, Carolyn Parham, Hannah Parham, Melissa O'Connor, Nicole Maher, Camilla Brauer
Kindergarten/Grade 1: Julie Peters, Claire O'Brien, Erin Chance, Abigail George
Grade 2/3: Emily Rosencrans, Alix Gulick, Drew Gulick, Mokie Carmichael, Ann Babington, Charlotte Lane
Grade 4/5: Sarah Striler
Grade 6/7: Didi Noelker, Hal Burroughs, Lynn Stockwell, Chris Maher, Doug Adderton