St. Peter's Film Night: Selma

St. Peter's Film Night - "Selma"
March 5th, 5:00 PM - 8:30 pm
Please join the Racial Justice committee and friends from other parishes to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this engaging film, share a pizza dinner, and have a brief discussion afterwards.
About the Movie:
The historical drama, Selma, depicts Martin Luther King's epic struggle to secure equal voting rights for black people, an effort that culminated in the historic 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery. The film's release in 2014 commemorated the 50th anniversary of the march, and explores the relationship between MLK and Lyndon B. Johnson in the months leading up to the march. It was nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards and won Best Song. Paul Webb wrote the screenplay, and our own Black Rep recently had the honor of presenting the world premiere of his play, "Hold On," based on the same events.