St. Peter's Caring Circles

Staying connected in community with God and one another.
As we intentionally practice physical isolation to protect everyone from the pandemic, we will stay connected as a parish via St. Peter’s Caring Circles.
- For as long as our church campus is closed, you will be receiving a weekly call from a fellow parishioner.
- There is no purpose to the call other than the most important one – the chance to connect.
- A weekly call to ask if you are OK, if you need someone to pick up a few groceries, or pass a request along to St. Peter’s Cares for a meal, a ride or prayers.
- A weekly call to compare notes on how to pass the time, keep the kids entertained, or cook something creative with canned tuna.
- A weekly call to erase any doubt that we are in this together.
In darkness and in light, in trouble and in joy, help us O God, to trust your love and serve your purpose, as we care for one another. Amen.