Responding to Public Health Concerns

Responding to public health concerns, the Bishop and Bishop-elect of Missouri have called on all parishes to practice a fast from public worship, at least until April 3rd. St. Peter’s is suspending Sunday and Wednesday worship services and closing the campus during this time, with two exceptions (see below).
As St. Peter’s clergy and staff work remotely, we will continue to be available to all parishioners. You may reach us by telephone or email, same as always.
During the campus’ closure, regularly scheduled AA groups will continue to meet, limited to ten people per meeting; and Grace Chapel will remain open, from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily, for prayer and reflection.
In the next few days we will be posting and emailing information about how to gather “virtually” online for Sunday worship and formation until we can safely gather in the pews once again.
Please remember, while our physical property may be closed, our hearts will always be open to God and one another.
Yours in Christ,