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Re-Entry Plans


Re-Entry Plans

May 29 Update:

When we closed the church we said we would review the decision at the end of May. With the proposed relaxation of the “Stay at Home” orders, we are continuing to review and prepare for our re-entry. Based on conversation with many parishioners at last Sunday’s forum, our vestry and staff and watching the St. Louis county’s new infection rates continuing to be high, (they jumped from 34 to 62 in the last 24 hours) it seems very unwise to re-open, especially for public worship, in the first two weeks of June. So we will continue our current practice at least until June 14.  We are continuing to explore our options and will continue to offer services and programming online and via Zoom. When we eventually re-open we anticipate continuing to offer our Sunday worship online as we gradually introduce small in person worship services that satisfies the physical distancing requirements.                                                      —Rob Voyle, Interim Rector

May Announcement:

Consistent with the guidance issued by our Bishop and Bishop-elect to churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, St. Peter’s will remain closed through the end of May.  While various government authorities are making a variety of decisions about the authority of houses of worship to reopen, at this time the clergy and vestry of St. Peter’s believe that worshipping, and fellowshipping together virtually is the wisest course of action to protect the health of all of our parishioners.  

This month we will begin planning for a return to “in person” worship, hopefully in June, considering how best to creatively employ social distancing and other measures to make our reunion both joyful and safe.  In the meantime, please continue to join us for worship on youtube and facebook, and children’s chapel via zoom.

And please remember that while our buildings are closed, our hearts remain open and our staff are available for phone and zoom consultation. And we invite you all to think of parishioners who are alone at this time and may need a call or assistance in running errands.