Plans to Move Worship Inside

While mother nature has been beautifully cooperative with outdoor worship over the past month, we know that inclement and colder weather will eventually arrive at our corner. With this in mind, and so long as the pandemic statistics for St. Louis County remain in a range deemed acceptable for indoor worship to the physicians serving on our Parish Reopening Steering Group and the Diocese, we are planning as follows:
- The 8:00 a.m. worship service will move into the church on Sunday, October 25.
- The 10:30 a.m. service will move inside on Sunday, November 1.
- Beginning November 1, we will offer a third worship service at 9:30 a.m., designed for families with young children. While Sunday School classes cannot gather due to the pandemic, the 9:30 service will offer families a celebration of Holy Eucharist meant to nurture the faith of the youngest among us. We will worship in the Undercroft at 9:30 a.m. Please note that all parishioners are welcome to worship at 8:00, 9:30 or 10:30.
- Beginning November 1, Music for Meditation will begin at 10:00 a.m., serving as an extended prelude to the 10:30 service.
- Weather permitting, coffee will continue to be served on the circle drive after the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services.
- Reservations will continue to be required for attending in-person worship services. You may make your reservation for either the 8:00 or 10:30 service online or by telephone: Register here by filling out a short form, or call the church at 314-993-2306 and press ext. 116 to leave a voicemail. Leave your name, the date and time of the service you wish to attend, number of people attending, and a good call back #.
- Our virtual Sunday worship service, as well as Coffee with the Rector and Children’s Chapel via Zoom, will continue, as will Wednesday morning personal prayer time in the church.
Despite all precautions being taken, a risk of coronavirus infection remains.
Everyone must evaluate their personal risk in deciding whether to worship virtually or in person. I
n making your decision, please remember that God hears us, wherever we pray.