Personal Prayer in the Sanctuary

Church Opening for Personal Prayer - If you have missed being in the holy space of our main sanctuary, we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy its peaceful solace, either on Sunday or Wednesday mornings.
Sunday Music for Meditation – David Sinden will play a program of meditative music on the Mander organ while the church is open for prayer. These 25-minute programs will be offered between the services on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. You may hear this music from inside the church subject to out health safeguarding rules or you may listen from your car by tuning to 91.1 FM. This low-power FM station should be audible from anywhere on the St. Peter’s campus (but not beyond it).
To safeguard everyone’s health, the following rules will be in place:
- The hour from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. will be dedicated to parishioners at higher risk for suffering serious complications from COVID-19 (those 65 years of age or older or living with a serious underlying medical condition). See
- The church will be open to everyone from 10:00 a.m. to Noon.
- Attendance will be limited to 20 people at a time.
- Entrance and exit will be through the front double doors of the church (wheelchair accessible via the west side ramp).
- Before entering, all will self-assess for COVID symptoms based on criteria posted at the front doors, and refrain from entering if experiencing any symptoms. See If you are feeling at all poorly or running a fever on the morning you plan to come to church, we ask that you please stay home, waiting until you are well to be in a common space with fellow parishioners.
- Everyone will fill out the contact tracing registry in the narthex and use the provided hand sanitizer.
- Everyone will wear a mask and practice social distancing while in the building.
- Everyone will sit only in a space marked by a blue cross, indicating an available, not previously used, seat.
Because prayer books and hymnals have been removed from the pews, please bring a BCP from home or download the app if you would like to have the resource.
While the prayers books are temporarily absent, one of the clergy will be present if you would like to pray with someone.
Please note: Despite cleaning of the church buildings, additional sanitation of “high-touch” areas, and all other precautions being taken, a risk of coronavirus infection continues to exist. Everyone must evaluate their personal risk in deciding whether to come to church for prayer or to continue to pray at home. In making your decision, please remember that God hears us, wherever we pray.