Outreach Offering During Easter

OUR EASTER OFFERING – Forty-nine percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Twenty-two million Americans are now unemployed, with 334,000 people in Missouri having applied for unemployment benefits since mid-March. One in every six individuals lives in poverty and struggles with hunger in the greater St. Louis region, including more than 172,000 children. Please consider donating to provide much-needed immediate relief to people who have been affected by Covid-19. The St. Peter’s Outreach Committee has selected five organizations providing food, supplies, and monetary relief to our community. St. Peter’s is donating $20,000 ($4,000 to each organization) and so far St. Peter’s parishioners have generously given an additional $5,725. We are making it easy for you to take action! Visit www.stpetersepiscopal.org/give and click on the “Easter Offering - Outreach” button. With your help we hope to double the amount St. Peter’s can give to these front line efforts to love one another as Jesus loved us. Listed below are the five organizations. Visit their websites for further information: