Life Together: Lenten Offerings

From the opening letter of our Life Together packet, David+ writes...
Our Lenten theme this year at St. Peter’s is Life Together, and there will be opportunities for us to become more aware of our mutual belonging. I hope this Lenten season will be a time that can help us recognize and hold up for each other the importance of our relationships through our Church. I hope that during this time, we will become more aware of and responsive to what binds us together and brings us together in the name of Christ at St. Peter’s. In the name of the Church, I invite you to the observance of a holy Lent, and into a time when we will hold up for each other our Life Together.
Lenten blessings,
Below are some of our Lenten Offerings mentioned in the Life Together packet you should have received in the mail. All are welcome to join in the events listed. A sign-up form is located at the bottom of this page.
Book STudy
As he spoke to audiences around the world, the late Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu would frequently be asked how he kept his joy, knowing first-hand the world’s injustice and cruelty. In the preface to Made for Goodness he wrote: “What these questioners really want to know is, What do I see that they’re missing? How do I see the world and my role in it? How do I see God? What is the faith that drives me? What are the spiritual practices that uphold me? What do I see in the heart of humanity and in the sweep of history that confirms my conviction that goodness will triumph? This book is my answer.”
Join David and Kelly to explore Bishop Tutu’s answers in a Lenten study of Made for Goodness: And Why This Makes All the Difference, the book he wrote with his daughter Mpho Tutu van Furth. To accommodate as many parishioners as possible, we are offering both a daytime and an evening class. Beginning March 9 and 10, we will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. You choose the meeting time that will work best for you. Classes will meet weekly, through the month of March. Register using the form at the bottom of this page or by calling or emailing the Church Office, indicating whether you will attend on Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings. You may order the book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite bookstore.
Join fellow parishioners in the annual “madness!” Lent Madness is the “saintly smackdown” in which thirty-two saints do battle to win the coveted Golden Halo during the season of Lent. Through friendly competition, learning, and humor, participants will be inspired by the ways in which God has worked through the lives of saintly souls across generations and cultures. To participate, donate $20 for outreach and submit your completed bracket to the Church Office by Shrove Tuesday, March 1. Join the Lenten fun, learn about the saints, and support our outreach ministries—all at the same time! Even if you don't participate in the friendly church competition, you can still follow along each day and read about this season's saints by visiting
Lenten Shoe Drive
The Trinity Food Pantry community has needs in addition to food. Most unhoused people walk everywhere they go, and usually wear out a pair of shoes in a month. During Lent, St. Peter’s is collecting new MEN’S tennis shoes (the unhoused population Trinity serves is predominantly male) as well as foot care items. Please drop shoes or items in the baskets in the narthex on Sundays or bring them to the Church Office during the week. The final collection day is Palm Sunday, April 10. Our goal is to collect 100 pairs of shoes! Thank you for helping to make someone’s journey a little bit easier! ITEMS NEEDED: Men's tennis shoes sizes 10-12, Goldbond foot powder and lotion, toenail clippers. Rather order online? You can purchase neede items from this Amazon Wishlist and have them shipped directly to St. Peter's!
Lenten Prayer Bowl
Pray for fellow parishioners by drawing a name (or a few!) from the St. Peter’s Lenten Prayer Bowl. As you come forward to receive communion on Ash Wednesday and Lenten Sundays, simply pick a name each week, or pray for one individual or family during all of Lent. During Eastertide, consider sending a note to let them know you’ve been praying for them! Access parishioners’ addresses using Realm, our membership database.
Online Resources
- Daily email devotional from Living Compass - Living Well Through Lent 2022: Letting Go With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind
• Visit - The 40 Days of Gratitude Lenten Journal from the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church, designed for at-home use for adults to deepen their spiritual practice of gratitude during Lent. Each week, they will focus on practicing gratitude for a specific topic based on scripture. There are also at-home lesson plans and activities for children available to download.
• Visit - Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2022 Lenten Meditations will focus on the organization’s three priorities: Women, Children and Climate, and those whose lives have been touched by our disaster response and resilience work.
• Visit
Sundays in Lent
After worship each Sunday, please join us for 30 minutes of learning, connection, and stewardship as we begin our INVOKE 30 Lenten series, Life Together: The Power of Christian Community. Each week we will hear from Christian leaders who have dedicated their lives to serving their community in profound ways. INVOKE 30 will meet in the Undercroft each Sunday in Lent at 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. Coffee and light refreshments provided.
Join David and Kelly from 9:00 am. to Noon in the Elliot Room on Saturday, March 26 to reflect on the expectations we place on Christian community and how they differ from the relationships to which God calls us in Christ. We will conclude our morning with a brief journey through the Stations of the Cross. To RSVP below, or call or email the Church Office.
Join us on April 6th at 7:00 p.m. for a movie (for the grown-ups) in the Undercroft! We will be showing Desmond Tutu: Peacemaker, A Conversation with Desmond Tutu & John Allen. Popcorn and beverages will be served. Please join us for this 45 minute film and conversation to follow. You may RSVP below or email Janet Rouse at . Hope to see you there!