Lenten Shoe Drive
We are excited to work with the Trinity Food Pantry this Lent to care for those in our community. Most unhoused people walk everywhere they go, and usually wear out a pair of shoes in a month. St. Peter’s is collecting new MEN’S tennis shoes (the unhoused population Trinity serves is predominantly male) as well as foot care items. Please drop shoes or items in the baskets in the narthex on Sundays or bring them to the Church Office during the week. The final collection day is Palm Sunday, April 2. Our goal is to collect 100 pairs of shoes! Thank you for helping to make someone’s journey a little bit easier!
ITEMS NEEDED: Men's tennis shoes sizes 10-12, Goldbond foot powder and lotion, toenail clippers. Rather order online? You can purchase needed items from this Amazon Wishlist and have them shipped directly to St. Peter's!
Be on the lookout for information pertaining to the Trinity Maundy Thursday Foot Clinic, coming soon! Parishioners are invited to help work the clinic and care for those in the larger community.