January 7: Food Drive Sunday

Due to the holidays falling on the upcoming weekends, we are going to extend January's "First Sunday Food Drive." Grocery bags with the list of needed items will be available in the Narthex at our Christmas Eve and Day services. We will accept donations on New Year's Day and January 8th.
"St. Peter’s partners with Trinity Episcopal, in the Central West End, in both its food pantry and hot lunch programs, to help feed the hungry in St. Louis. This Sunday, and on the last Sunday of each month, as you leave worship a fellow parishioner will hand you a grocery bag and a shopping list of items requested by the pantry. Please take the list grocery shopping with you during the week and whatever items you purchase, bring to church the following Sunday (the 1st Sunday of the month)."
For our January 7th collection, Trinity food pantry’s most needed items are:
- Canned meat (tuna, chicken, beef)
- Chili with beans
- Ramen noodles
- Bar soap
- Toilet tissue
Thank you for your generosity!
*Note: While the items listed are good examples of what the pantry can always use, all shelf stable foods are greatly appreciated! No need to stick strictly to the list!