If You Are Interested in Participating in Grief Group This Fall. . . .
If You Are Interested in Participating in Grief Group This Fall. . . .
Please get in touch with the Reverend Kelly Carlson by this Wednesday, September 15th.
Grief Group is designed to address the needs of those who are grieving the death of a loved one. With sufficient interest, a new Grief Group will convene in late September for eight, 90-minute, weekly meetings. The day/evening of the week, time, and start date will be set according to what will work best for the group’s members. Our most vital resource throughout our time together will be the members of the group, as we learn from and support one another. This makes everyone’s consistent attendance of the utmost importance for the benefit of all participants.
Note: due to current pandemic statistics, being fully vaccinated is required for participation.
God gives us the gift of one another in times of loss and sorrow. If you are interested in participating in Grief Group this fall, contact Kelly at or 314-993-2306 ext 107 by Wednesday. If insufficient interest is expressed, we will explore convening a group in early 2022.