Holy Week at Home

Easter Sunday
April 12
Easter Sunday worship will be available on our website, Facebook page, and Youtube page beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Children's Chapel will be at 9:30 a.m. Note the change in time this week! You may find the Zoom link in our Newsletter.
Join Rob for a quick Zoom chat at 9:45 a.m. to exchange Easter greetings. This is the same Zoom call as Children's Chapel. The link is the same as the prior weeks, found in April 3rd's newsletter. The call will end promptly at 10:00 a.m
Bishop Wayne Smith, Bishop-elect Deon Johnson and Dean Kathie Adams-Shepherd invite all in the Diocese of Missouri to gather online at 10:00 a.m. for Easter Sunday worship. You may watch live from the Diocesan Facebook page.
Daily Morning Prayer
Monday through Saturday @ 8:00 a.m.
Join Father Joseph and a special guest each morning at 8:00 a.m. for Morning Prayer on Zoom. You may find the link to the Zoom call in our Newsletter. A recording of the worship service will go up on our Youtube page later that day if you were unable to join us.
- Wednesday Morning Prayer Bulletin
- Maundy Thursday Morning Prayer Bulletin
- Good Friday Morning Prayer Bulletin
- Holy Saturday Morning Prayer Bulletin
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
April 9 @ 7:00pm
An Agape Meal will be available on our our Youtube page on Maundy Thursday evening at 7:00. You are invited to participate with a basin and bowl of water, a bread roll, and glass of wine. Kelly Carlson will preach the homily.
Good Friday Services
April 10
Offerings received on Good Friday are for the mission and ministry of the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. The Episcopal Church has taken an offering on Good Friday to support the work of the gospel in the Holy Land since 1922. Our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry writes: “The Good Friday Offering is one way to help connect the love of Christ on the cross with our support of the ongoing ministry of love and compassion carried out by our Anglican sisters and brothers throughout the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Whether funding a hospital in Gaza or the West Bank, or an eye clinic in Aden, or women’s programs, or summer camps and leadership training for young people, the Good Friday Offering is making a difference in the lives of so many… I believe our partnership with those who keep the faith of Jesus alive in the region, where our Lord walked and began his movement, is a significant aspect of our work as part of the church catholic.”
Give to the Good Friday Offering
The Liturgy of the Day will be available on our website, Facebook, and Youtube page on Good Friday beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Waiting at the Foot of the Cross, a meditation on Jesus’ last seven words, will be available at 12:00 p.m.
Join Fr. Joseph and Ann Babington via Zoom at 4:30 pm. for a Children’s Service of Stations of the Cross. The Zoom link is provided in our Newsletter.
Our Good Friday liturgy will be available all day on Good Friday, so if you aren’t available during the day, perhaps you would like to set aside an hour on Good Friday evening?