Entering into a Holy Lent

Dear St. Peter’s Parishioners,
The season of Lent, in which we will walk with Jesus to Jerusalem and the cross, is drawing near. In the midst of that journey, Jesus will call us (again) to take up our cross and follow him. I invite you to prepare to hear and heed that call through observing a holy Lent as a valued member of this community. The events and practices described in these pages are designed to help us do just that - from engaging in daily practices of prayer and almsgiving, to learning from those on the front lines about the call to serve St. Louis, to worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness, to spending a February evening with Bishop Deon, to studying God’s holy Word.
If you have younger parishioners in your household, I encourage you to contact St. Peter’s Director of Children and Youth Ministries, Annie Knapp, , to request a Lenten Learning Kit for your children. It is chock full of wonderful activities for their journey to the joy of Easter. In fact, her projects are so good that this mailing invites the entire parish to share in two of them - 40 Words and 40 Cans! Even if you do not share your home with little ones, if you would like to know about Lenten activities like burying the Alleluias, Lent Madness, and the religious roots of pretzels(!), Annie welcomes all inquirers - just drop her an email.
To hear Jesus’ call to take up our cross and follow him, to discern the contours of our cross, we need to listen. Lent 2021 at St. Peter’s offers us a multitude of ways to listen, with our ears and our heart. After a bit of Mardi Gras revelry with our drive-thru Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, with proceeds supporting outreach, Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday. Plan to attend virtual worship and stop by church later to receive the imposition of ashes to mark the beginning of your Lenten journey. Let's make the journey together...listening for Jesus’ call, taking up our cross, and arriving at the joy of Easter.